Dear Friends,

In 1979, Dorchester Bay had one employee, $85,000 to build five affordable housing units, and a vision for the economic potential of Upham’s Corner.

The initial challenge was the renovation of four abandoned houses that belonged to the Columbia-Savin Hill Neighborhood Housing Services. But the civic association had a broader mission statement: to tackle the issues posed by chronic disinvestment and to develop the future they envisioned for Upham’s Corner.

Over the past 45 years, Dorchester Bay has expanded its scope to focus on comprehensive economic development, placing a new emphasis on long term economic planning and job creation, as well as resident and community resources. Our trajectory can be measured by the scope of our work and the dollars we’ve invested.

Looking ahead to the next 45 years, we are excited about the opportunities on the horizon. Our 45th year serves as a launchpad for new initiatives and innovative solutions to address the evolving needs of our community, including:

  • Strengthening homeownership and wealth-building opportunities.

  • Increasing access to capital for businesses that are marginalized by traditional lending practices. 

  • Leveraging the strength of our resources and expertise to create economic opportunities for smaller Black, Brown, and underserved developers. 

  • Connecting job seekers to employment with living wages, benefits, and training and growth opportunities.

Dorchester Bay has now built and preserved over 1,200 affordable units, developed 40,000 square feet of commercial space, and deployed more than 7 million dollars to small businesses.

To mark this special anniversary, we invite you to delve into the pages of this Annual Report, where we share in detail Dorchester Bay’s impact in 2023, and reflect back on our journey for the past 45 years. 

Thank you to every resident, small business owner, partner organization, donor, and member of the staff and board. You have all helped to sustain the neighborhoods we have served for 45 years, and we are deeply grateful to have you all as partners in this work.

We hope you will consider donating to support Dorchester Bay. Your gift supports Dorchester Bay’s dynamic programs, which create equitable places of opportunity for all.

As we look ahead, we are excited about the future. The foundation laid by those early visionaries provides solid ground upon which we can build a stronger future for generations to come. Here's to 45 years of making a difference, and to the promise of what lies ahead: continued growth and lasting change.


Kimberly R. Lyle
Chief Executive Officer

Paul Black
President, Board of Directors


Units of affordable


Residents served


Sq. ft. of commercial

$7 Million

in small business capital to entrepreneurs

Resident & Community Engagement

We believe in authentic Community Engagement at Dorchester Bay. Community is best developed when residents are supported and able to be problem solvers and change agents in their neighborhoods and communities. Together, we are building a brighter future where residents are engaged, communities thrive, and voices are heard. 

Through a comprehensive range of resources, advocacy, and organizing initiatives, we foster community partnerships and amplify the voices of the people we serve. Our dedicated team is committed to conducting extensive outreach, working tirelessly as educators and facilitators, ensuring that residents are informed and supported. We prioritize housing stabilization by providing essential support, including mediation and life coaching, to promote stable and thriving neighborhoods.

  • Dorchester Bay’s Resident and Community Engagement team connects with residents throughout Dorchester Bay’s portfolios by hosting monthly resident meetings and community events such as our Annual Arts in the Park event and our Community Block Party. These gatherings enable us to get to know residents and community members and hear about some of their needs, and residents also get to know their neighbors.

    Dorchester Bay threw two holiday gatherings - one for our seniors and one for families, where they received gifts from our staff toy drive. Our Youth Resource Fair and Education Workshops provided residents a place to network and discover organizations and careers in their community.

  • Dorchester Bay and the Fairmount Indigo CDC Collaborative were proud to join dozens of other CDCs across the state for the MA Association of Community Development Corporations’ Lobby Day. Thank you to the many residents who wrote letters and joined us to meet with legislators about our priorities!

  • Our Rock and Roll Seniors initiative provides senior residents with the opportunity to design and lead their own programming for healthy aging. Participants report feeling less lonely or isolated as a result of participating in the program.

  • In our 10 week Tech Goes Home course, our residents and community members collaboratively develop essential IT capacity skills – over 1000 residents and community partners have participated and graduated!

  • “My name is Kayron Taylor and I’m a mother of two and a grandmother of two. I have lived in Uphams Corner for the past 25 years. I love the people. The more I live in this community, the more I realize that it’s such a “caring” community. It’s much more than welcoming and friendly in my eyes. I see over and over again where when there is a need, there is help just around the corner and that’s why I feel there’s a sense of community here. Dorchester Bay has been wonderful, especially when helping me with everything I need help with. They are very kind and caring people. It’s easy to love them. I appreciate Dorchester Bay and the services they provide to their residents.

    I have seen many changes in Uphams Corner throughout the years. I have seen more Arts (art displays) with murals and masks posted/ painted in the Uphams Corner area. I love that - it brings beauty to the neighborhood. I’ve seen many businesses close but also many new ones added. I didn’t get to see the “old” Dorchester Bay but I have visited since DBEDC opened after their rehabilitation and it’s so beautiful, spacious and feels welcoming inside. I love the pictures of residents and community members posted on the walls in the main lobby. It makes you feel like you’re in a place that cares about the people and the community it’s in and serves.”

community members and residents join our Arts in the Park and Annual Block Party



Tech Goes Home Graduates

Anniversary Profile

I believe that our next great challenge for Dorchester Bay is to figure out how we can support greater wealth creation for the Dorchester residents.

—Phil Hillman, Dorchester Bay EDC Board Member

  • “I got involved with Dorchester Bay back in the late 90s. They made a grant proposal to the Polaroid Foundation. I conducted a site visit on behalf of the foundation and was extremely impressed with the organization. When the ED found that I lived in Dorchester he reached out to me and asked me to join the board. I have served as board chair twice and 2007 served in the organization as COO. We’re addressing an issue (housing affordability) that has significant impact for the residents of Dorchester. But it’s not about building brick and mortar, we have an opportunity to improve the quality of life for the residents of our property. We provide training for personal growth (e.g. computer training) and we provide training to teach our residents how to advocate for their own issues. The activity and focus has been on building affordable housing. However, the effects of the pandemic have identified a need to support small business. So, going forward our focus and activity has significantly increased in providing loans and technical support to small businesses that qualify. I believe that our next great challenge for Dorchester Bay is to figure out how we can support greater wealth creation for the Dorchester residents.”

Affordable Housing & Commercial Development

Dorchester Bay is committed to developing quality affordable housing to ensure that our community can remain, grow, and thrive despite the current housing crisis. We aim to stabilize neighborhood assets and create opportunities for affordable housing, wealth building, job creation and local economic development.

At a moment when Upham’s Corner is poised to see highly anticipated revitalization come to the area, Dorchester Bay is leading the way in providing affordable housing and commercial space.

As the cost of rent continues to increase. Dorchester Bay’s real estate work is community-focused, and we remain committed to applying the principle of equitable development to our real estate work - we build homes that are affordable for people in Upham's Corner, and we build commercial spaces where local businesses can stabilize, grow, and create jobs for local residents.

We engage community members to envision and plan projects that complement the neighborhood and address local needs. We actively pursue residential and commercial development to serve the dynamic and changing needs of our service area. Partnering with our Small Business and Resident and Community Engagement teams, we engage local residents in the planning processes for affordable housing and commercial space for local businesses.

  • In January 2023 the Dorchester Bay staff moved back into the historic S.B. Pierce Building, which has been Dorchester Bay’s home for over 40 years. The interior modernization improved the second-floor space to support local businesses and organizations, and is now home to the organizations Someone Else’s Child and Upham’s Corner Main Street. In addition, we welcomed JP Morgan Chase Bank’s community branch on the first floor, which offers the community expanded access to affordable home loans, low-cost checking accounts, and financial health education workshops.

    The Pierce renovation was the recipient of the Mayor Thomas M. Menino Legacy Award from Preservation Massachusetts, and a Preservation Achievement Award from the Boston Preservation Alliance. Our investment in the restoration of this neighborhood asset marks a turning point in the long-planned revitalization of Upham’s Corner as an Arts and Innovation District.

  • In March, residents moved into the first affordable senior housing in Upham’s Corner! In the face of a growing senior population, the majority of whom are low-income, all 43 units are affordable with the majority of units reserved for seniors earning up to 30% and 50% Area Median Income (AMI). Built on a site that has sat vacant for over 40 years, the building and units are accessible to residents and visitors with a range of abilities and accessibility needs. 9 Leyland will achieve Passive House certification, which would maximize energy efficiency and further efforts around environmental sustainability in a community that has been disproportionately impacted by climate change and health disparities.

  • Selected through a competitive Request for Proposal issued by the landowner, Dudley Neighbors Incorporated, Dorchester Bay EDC and POAH’s Columbia Crossing project will rehabilitate the historic Dorchester Savings Bank building and replace an existing addition with a premier presentation space referred to as the Glow Box, for arts, culture, and other community-oriented commercial tenants, contributing to Upham’s Corner as an Arts & Innovation District anchored by the Strand Theatre (located across the street). The project will produce 48 new affordable rental units, including artist housing and associated arts amenity space. Columbia Crossing received Boston Planning & Development Agency approval in November 2022 and was awarded City funding in February 2023. Construction is expected to begin in 2024.

  • Dudley Neighbors Incorporated (DNI) and Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI) designated Dorchester Bay EDC and DVM Housing Partners (formerly known as DVM Consulting Corp.) as co-developers of the Dudley Miller Park/Our Tierra Livri parcel at 483-487 Dudley Street. DBEDC and DVM have proposed a four-story mixed-use commercial/retail and multifamily housing development, with 18 new affordable homeownership condominium units and approximately 2,900 square feet of ground-floor commercial space. The units will be available for purchase by local, first-time homebuyers, facilitating the opportunity for intergenerational wealth building and stability for local residents. The commercial portion of the project will be developed in partnership with other community-based organizations as thought-partners. The commercial space will strengthen the identity of Dudley Corridor as a business district and create small business development opportunities for local entrepreneurs of color.

Workforce Development

Dorchester Bay’s Workforce Development Program prioritizes connecting jobseekers to employment with living wages, benefits, and training and growth opportunities. We provide a welcoming and non-judgemental environment for job seekers regardless of their circumstances.

We aim to support jobseekers in developing the technical and functional skills and relationships essential to their success. We believe in the abilities and potential of the job seekers we serve, and we will connect them to fulfilling employment with security, growth opportunities, and sustainability. We believe that treating clients holistically is the first step for stability —especially for our most vulnerable clients. Our team’s work this year included helping a single dad of four obtain a maintenance apprenticeship role with full benefits — making $22 per hour after not working for years. We helped another community member — a recent college graduate who has experienced housing insecurity in his youth — obtain a salary of $130 per hour.

  • Our reentry program supports a successful return to the workplace and community through job placement and supportive services upon release. The program bolsters self-sufficiency and economic prosperity, reduces prison recidivism and disrupts the cycles of incarceration and poverty, and meets individuals where they are, working with them to identify beneficial services using a holistic approach to skill building, education, and mental health counseling.

  • Our STEP (Success Through Excellent Preparation) program for formerly incarcerated citizens compensates $70 per class to each student who attends. Our pilot program celebrated 16 graduates, and many received job placements. For example, one recently incarcerated graduate has a new job and now makes $21 per hour with full benefits.

STEP Graduates


Job & Training


with Clients


Job Applications


Referrals to Partners


Anniversary Profile

My photography brings light to my community, LGBTQ communities, and other historically or currently excluded communities. Photography is my passion and I have a commitment to storytelling.

—Jaypix, Photographer, Artist, and Educator

  • “My name is Japix Belmer. I am a non binary African American, who works primarily in Photography & Design. I am also an artist and educator. I was born & raised in Boston and developed a purpose and excitement for community and civic engagement. It's important that individuals have a voice and that we as a people can preserve our journey and celebrate ourselves and legacies. My photography brings light to my community, LGBTQ communities, and other historically or currently excluded communities. Photography is my passion and I have a commitment to storytelling through documentation. My photography work involves local and national commercial projects based around anthropology, amplifying the artist identity & honoring environmental assets through archiving and exhibition to build vibrant livable neighborhoods. I have been a proud resident of Upham’s Corner since 2000. I also attended Bird Street Community Center as a youth. I have a Studio Space at a Historic residence named Humphrey Street Studios. I love Upham’s Corner for its diversity, I love that I have made friends and have stories in Upham’s Corner. Upham corner is a vibrant, changing community and I also love that we have a theatre at the center of Upham’s Corner. Uphams Corner is full of art & culture. My experience with Dorchester Bay has been fruitful over the recent years, the staff there are very kind and helpful. I have utilized resources learning business information and joining workshops. I am very happy to share the resources at Dorchester Bay. Dorchester Bay & their community engagement efforts have made a major difference in our landscapes and community values. Dorchester Bay is historically a place I cherish because of their direct support to the community. Dorchester Bay is an important organization because every community needs resources and protocol to build economic value and information to advance and sustain their environments, families and communities. The future holds our dreams and with our imaginations we can begin to plan a reality that reflects our investments and supports our vision. I am looking forward to more opportunities for people to take pride in their environments and invest in the things they truly want to live by and utilize. I am excited to continue my journey. I am turning my passion into a career and encouraging artists, youth and individuals like myself, to nurture and plant their seeds for growth and advancement.”

Small Business

Many small businesses are at risk of displacement due to rising commercial rents and barriers to accessing capital. Through our technical assistance and loan offerings, Dorchester Bay helps over 300 businesses per year meet their goals to startup, stabilize, and grow their businesses. In 2023, Dorchester Bay provided 25 loans to 17 small businesses totaling $1,505,000!

Dorchester Bay focuses on supporting entrepreneurship as a driver of job creation and wealth creation. As the only CDC-based Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI) in Boston, Dorchester Bay helps aspiring entrepreneurs and established businesses access the capital they need to launch, maintain, or grow their businesses. Our primary goal is to lend low-cost capital to startups, scaling businesses, and distressed businesses in six low-to-moderate income neighborhoods in Boston with an emphasis on lending to businesses owned by Black, Brown, and underserved, and historically marginalized business owners. Our priority is to deploy capital to businesses that banks or mission-oriented lenders can’t serve, connecting early-stage businesses and individuals to the tools and resources they need to achieve their business objectives.

Brenda from Dorchester Bay has been crucial in helping Dahlia’s Garden acquire a loan for rental assistance. Brenda went above and beyond to even reach out directly with the landlord to obtain information that was taking longer to get. Brenda brought so much clarity to the process. Because Dahlia’s Garden is a one person shop, that assistance was crucial for the small business. Small businesses around Dorchester need more of that kind of collaboration.

—Estela Rosario, Owner, Dahlia’s Garden

Small businesses receive technical assistance and loan offerings per year



Of businesses are minority owned

Of business owners are women of color


to small businesses

$1.5 M

Loans to 17 small businesses


Anniversary Profile

The biggest risk I see is missing the chance to support BIPOC entrepreneurs in particular as they build vibrant businesses that enhance our neighborhoods.

—Kristen Halbert, Dorchester Bay EDC Board Member

  • “As the Civic Engagement Director to then-City Councilor At Large Michelle Wu, I started attending Dorchester Bay meetings to stay aware of the organization’s programming, development, and concerns as they supported the community. The work and dedication of the staff and board members was impressive! When the board went through recruitment and expansion, I was honored to have my name come up. I jumped at the chance to bring my community relations and development background to serve the organization.

    Dorchester Bay is important to me because of the unique types of economic development it can do - it is why I sit on the Loan Committee as a Board Member. Many of the businesses that receive loans, support, and technical assistance would have a difficult time having their needs met through a traditional banking structure. But as a community development finance institution (CDFI), Dorchester Bay can work with smaller, newer, businesses that might be viewed as “risky” from other funders. The biggest risk I see is missing the chance to support BIPOC entrepreneurs in particular as they build vibrant businesses that enhance our neighborhoods.

    After the pandemic, there seemed to be a shift in Dorchester Bay to increase community accountability and engagement. I have only formally served for 4 years but the way that the organization has moved to better understand the needs of the neighborhood and update or create new ways to tackle complex economic and housing challenges in a rapidly changing market has been remarkable. It reflects an authentic desire to meet residents, businesses, and clients where they are and help them reach where they are trying to go.

    I’m incredibly excited about the staff! I have been able to meet and speak with so many of the amazing people who make the work of Dorchester Bay happen, from communications professionals to small business specialists to administrators. Their passion and dedication to building a strong, thriving, and diverse community - which many live in themselves - is what will keep us moving forward .”

2024 Annual Fundraiser

Join on us on September 26th from 6-9pm at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for a special community event to celebrate local artists and Dorchester Bay's 45th anniversary! 

2022 Financials*


Assets $239,020,987

Liabilities $146,211,003

Net Assets $44,313,647

Liabilities & Net Assets $239,020,987


Operating Revenues $29,912,360

Operating Expenses $29,066,016
(including depreciation expense)

Operating Income $2,776,378

Non-Operating Income $112,128

Net Income $958,472

* Check back in Summer 2024 for our updated 2023 financials.

Thank you to our 2023 Donors!

Our Work

Please consider making a donation to support Dorchester Bay. Your gift supports Dorchester Bay’s dynamic programs, which create equitable places of opportunity for all. Our commitment to our vibrant community is strengthened by your partnership.

Donate online or Mail a check to:
Dorchester Bay EDC
594 Columbia Road, Suite 302
Dorchester, MA 02125